Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life with our little man

Wow! It has been a very long time since my last post. I am so bad about keeping a blog. I follow and read other people's blogs and will always ALWAYS think to myself how I wish I had a cute little blog! So here is my probably fifth attempt at maintaining this thing! Life is so good right now, well, except for this very icky sinus infection I have going on... ugh! Since it's been 8 months since my last post here is an update. Wesley Cass is here and what a joy he is! I can't imagine our family without him. He has added so many more smiles, laughs, cuddles and pure happiness to all of us! It's funny because I never saw myself having a boy. When I pictured my family and kids I seriously pictured all girls. I really think my younger brother had something to do with this. I was ten when he was born and I can remember his terrible two days like like they just happened yesterday! The saying "Terrible Two's" really had nothing on him... he was well quite the little pill! Sorry Rob if you ever read this you know I love you! Then my sister came along and all the little cute girl things that came along with her! And that really added to my picture of having all girls and painting nails and doing their hair in flowers and bows! When Ryan and I found out we were having a boy we both had talks that went something like this "How do you talk to a little baby boy how do you play with him" very silly conversations I know. Our world was just so full of PINK and dresses and baby girl talk. And now our little man is here and everything just comes so naturally. I am so glad that my picture of having all girls didn't stick and that God has given me my son. I look forward to the days of doing everything that comes with having a little boy. Playing cars, teaching him sports, sword fights, etc, etc! I'm also thankful for the color change too no longer is everything pink we finally have some blue going on! Riley's little world has also changed so much and she has handled everything so well. She is already an amazing big sister. I know there will be so many moments and times in my life that she will make me so proud but for the right now nothing makes me more proud than to watch her with Wesley. She is so gentle, affectionate, loving, and caring towards him. It really melts my heart to watch her with him. She is going to be such an amazing mother someday I can already see it. When she was a baby I think this started a couple months before her first birthday... when Ryan and I would cry she would get so teary eyed and start to cry. Even now when she see's someone or us crying she gets teary eyed and will constantly ask what's wrong or please don't cry and will comfort you. She is the sweetest thing with the biggest heart. I am beyond blessed and ever so grateful that God chose me to be Wesley and Riley's mom!