Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here I go again....

I have NO idea why writing in a blog is so hard for me to keep up with. I follow them, read them, and always ALWAYS say to myself afterwards "I really want a blog, somewhere to write my thoughts and to share it with others!". And here I have had one well more than one and hardly use it. I often go to bed at night with all these thoughts occupying my brain and if some of these thoughts I'm really passionate about I will talk my husbands ear off while constantly saying to him "look at me, make eye contact, your not listening!" I even now have Riley every time she wants to talk to her dad saying "Daddy, look at me! Daddy watch me".  So here is another attempt at sticking with this whole blogging thing! Ryan and I recently made a trip to Arizona and went to one of our old church's that we attended before moving to Oregon. I have to admit I was hesitant on going because the day before was Riley's birthday party, which was a lot of work, and after that was a family dinner, I didn't get to bed until very late and was so drained the next day. But we did go and we even went back hours later for a night of worship. I am SO glad we did go because the message was what I needed it spoke to me to the point of having tears! And the night of worship was nothing short of amazing, you couldn't deny that Jesus was present in that room with all of us. It was powerful. What kept sticking out to me that Sunday morning was this verse- "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21. So simply put. And I just kept thinking how I want for people, and my children to know for certain where I am building my treasures at, because there will be my heart also.    It seems so simple, so easy, yet I was feeling convicted while listening to those words, along with the words that we are to be Jesus's hands and His feet. Those last words hit my heart hard, so hard, because I desperately want to be His hands, His feet, His everything. I want to help those who need it, love how He loves, grieve over what grieves Him, etc. etc. I desperately want and will always seek to have a heart like my Saviors and to move and go where He leads. So I couldn't help but sit there and reflect on my life and what I am doing right now. Yes I am going to church, reading the word, praying, yet there is SO much more I could do. Especially right now since I am blessed by being able to stay at home taking care of my littles. There is so much time and days were I can be His feet and His hands. And I prayed and told myself that I would be just that that I would just do more of His work and for Him to receive all the glory. I want to do this so that everyone will know when they look at my life that I am building my treasures in heaven, and that my heart is there, with Him, always. A question that I remember being asked was when do you feel most like Jesus and for me my answer has always been when I'm giving to others and helping others. I feel most like Him when I give to those who need it and those who need to know that they have a Savior who loves them deeply. I have been so excited that Ryan and I recently started our ministry to help pregnant woman and now we are wanting to open up our home to help feed the homeless. I feel so beyond good about starting to reach out and to do what we are called to do as Christians. I am so excited to start doing more of His work with my time, and for my kids to grow up in a home were church doesn't just happen on Sundays, and were they can start learning the act of giving. I'm so glad that God moved my hesitant heart that Sunday morning.

"Jesus came humbly as a servant, but He never begs us to give Him some small part of ourselves. He commands everything from His followers."


  1. Yes! I feel the need to reach out, too. Your enthusiasm is encouraging! :) -Jean

  2. Thank you Jean! Can't wait to have you guys over so we can reach out together :)
